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Logos in the News

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Los Angeles Sentinel Los Angeles Sentinel

Groundbreaking Held for South L.A. Affordable Housing Complex

53 unhoused individuals will have an opportunity to live in a residence when the new Bethel Manor Apartments open by 2024. Scores of community leaders attended the groundbreaking ceremony, including Congresswoman Bass, Mayor Garcetti, Councilmember Harris-Dawson; Pastor Martin C. Porter, managing partner of LOGOS, and more.

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2UrbanGirls 2UrbanGirls

LOGAN Temple Continues its Legacy by Building Housing for A Bright Future

When Virgil Ward was appointed as the new Pastor of Logan Temple AME Zion Church in September of 2018, he made it his mission to ensure that the historical church would find new ways to serve its local community. Now, Pastor Ward is fulfilling his charge to God and his denomination by building housing for the people.

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Spectrum News Spectrum News

One year later, a structure rises on holy ground as church repurposes property

The Harvest Tabernacle Bible Church site is now answering new prayers, for housing. The original church has been demolished and rising is a new structure that will soon become home to up to 50 Angelenos. Pastor Cook is one of many church leaders in a growing movement to redevelop their property for new purposes and to better serve their community.

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2UrbanGirls 2UrbanGirls

Transforming Church Land into Sustainable, Affordable, and Flourishing Housing

LOGOS is a real estate firm that partners with faith-based property owners by working with them to develop or redevelop their underutilized properties. Using real estate solutions, LOGOS empowers landowners to generate new forms of revenue that allow ministries to flourish, communities to be strengthened, and culture within those communities to thrive.

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Los Angeles Sentinel Los Angeles Sentinel

Church aims to combat food insecurity by distributing free vegetables to South L.A. neighbors

St. Mark Church has sponsored the Prayer and Produce Community Garden to fight food insecurity in South LA. Logos Development has funded the project and committed to assisting with future gardens. Rev. Porter, LOGOS’ Managing Partner, said, “It is our intention to take targeted action that maximizes social impact and opportunity.”

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